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Age: 19

Sex: Male (He/Him)

D.O.B: June 20th, 2047

Birthplace: Dunedin, New Zealand

Citizenship: Australian

Height: 6'1''

Weight: 198 lbs

Sexuality: Bisexual

Aliases: Riko-riko, Khaning

Guild: Solluna (Team Moon/Apprentice), MMAC (Education)

Species: Australian Shepherd/Cat

Weapons: Kaiserklinge the Elemental Blade

Languages Spoken: English (first), Hindi 

Occupation: Student, Mercenary in training, Part-time chef

Magic: Element

(ⓘ): As a side-effect of wielding the ancestral Kaiserklinge,

Rio can harness the elemental magic within the sword and

use it of his own accord without it, being able to attack with

Ice, Fire, Water, Wind, Electricity, Earth, Light, Darkness,

and various other elements.


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