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Age: 25

Sex: Male (He/Him)

D.O.B: September 4th, 2040

Birthplace: Sydney, Australia

Citizenship: Australia

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 291 lbs

Sexuality: Pansexual

Aliases: Pyro, Sullivan (legal name), "A heavy mofo", Mortar

Guild: Solluna (Team Moon)

Species: Siberian Husky

Weapons: Automatic Shotgun, Various explosives

Languages Spoken: English (first), Spanish

Occupation: Mercenary

Magic: Combustion

(ⓘ): Using his energy, he can create explosions out of any limb. Over the years, he's gained exquisite control of it, allowing him to land kicks that result in explosions the size of a mansion, or trick attackers by bottling explosions in his palms and releasing the smoke from it as a makeshift smokescreen.


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